Grumman S2F Tracker Survivors
By David D Jackson

Focusing on Existing Grumman S2F / S-2 Tracker, TF-1 / C-1A Trader and WF-2 / E-1B Tracer Airframes

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  Uruguay Museum or Outside Display S2F / S-2 Grumman Trackers
Listed in numerical order by US Navy Bureau Number
List of acquired Uruguay Trackers by US Navy BuNo: 133215, 133239, 133262, 152372, 152374, 152376
I want to thank Aad van der Voet for providing additional information on Navy Bureau Numbers, Aircraft numbers, Grumman serial numbers on the aircraft below. 133239, Grumman Serial 210 and Armada 852 and was scrapped out before 1990.
BuNo Uruguay Navy Aircraft No. Location Links for the aircraft and other information
133215 Armada 851 Capitan Carlos Curbelo Air Base at Laguna del Sauce near Maldonado, Uruguay This is a definite gate guard.  I have never seen a Tracker up on a pylon like this.  Grumman Serial Number 186.
My Aviation Net-851-2008-1

My Aviation Net-851-2008-2
Google Maps Location


 Uruguay S2F / S-2 Grumman Trackers in Storage
Listed in numerical order by US Navy Bureau Number
I want to thank Aad van der Voet for providing information on Navy Bureau Numbers, nose IDs, Grumman serial numbers on the aircraft below.


Uruguay Navy Aircraft No. Location Links for the aircraft and other information
133262 Armada 853 Capitan Carlos Curbelo Air Base at Laguna del Sauce near Maldonado, Uruguay Stored outside behind the hangar sheltering 152372 for spare parts.  Grumman Serial Number 233. 
Google Maps Hangar Location
152372 Armada 854

Capitan Carlos Curbelo Air Base at Laguna del Sauce near Maldonado, Uruguay

Nice interior photos below.  This is stored in the hangar shown in Google Map link as a reserve aircraft.  Grumman Serial Number 259C. 
My Aviation Net-854-2008

Google Maps Hangar Location
152374 Armada 855 Capitan Carlos Curbelo Air Base at Laguna del Sauce near Maldonado, Uruguay Stored outside behind the hangar sheltering 152372 for spare parts.  Grumman Serial Number 261C. 
Google Maps Hangar Location
152376 Armada 856 Capitan Carlos Curbelo Air Base at Laguna del Sauce near Maldonado, Uruguay Stored outside behind the hangar sheltering 152372 for spare parts.  Grumman Serial Number 263C. 
Google Maps Hangar Location


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